"For it is in giving that we receive." St. Francis of Assisi
Halos of Hope for yarn guidelines, free hat patterns and other ways you can help this organization reach out to cancer patients. Follow them on Facebook and Twitter for inspiring updates.
Craft Hope is now on Project 9! Please stop by and learn about all the wonderful work that is being done. Join in the crafty fun. Read the book! Receive updates on Craft Hope on Facebook and Twitter.
"Go-Givers will become the best go-getters." Unknown
I hope you reach out any way you can. Revel in kind words and thoughts. Start a creative charity project or give a hug, the possibilities are endless. Spread your special pizazz and watch the world light up. FYI, pizazz is contagious.
Marg (noticing a little pizazz in my knitting today)

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