Showing posts with label charity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label charity. Show all posts

Friday, September 28, 2012

iGive for Knots of Love!

Reminder:  Click on iGive to donate to Knots of Love.

Join me in helping rasie money for Knots of  Love.  iGive is an easy way to shop at some of your favorite online stores and donate to charity.  It's free to sign up, plus there are some great discount offers.

Here's to joyful giving, knitting and crochet opportunities!

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Monday, July 9, 2012

Stitches from the Heart

Recently, I received an email from Teresita (Seaside Purl) of Hearts of Love on sharing with me that this great charity organization, Stitches from the Heart, just celebrated its 15th birthday. Hooray! 

Here's Teresita message in her own inspiring words about her involvment with Stitches from the Heart:

 I have been a member and Area Representative for the Elk Grove-Sacramento Chapter that I started back in 2008 (June) which was the same year that I started HEARTS of LOVE. My chapter is local and I get together once a month with the knitters and crocheters that are members and we do what we love to do….. make baby creations for SFTH which then distributes them to newborns in hospitals across the country.
This year we have a new director that has taken over after the Founder and former director of SFTH decided to retire. We have a goal of trying to reach one million handmade creations which then will allow us to have a national spokesperson and thus get the word out to many more crafters.
We have chapters in states across the country but are hoping to add more states to the SFTH Family. I have been helping and spending time this summer promoting SFTH and getting the word out about this wonderful organization which is a non-profit baby charity organization.
Please visit SFTH on Facebook or website for more information about this organization.  On Ravelry?  Feel free to contact Teresita of the Hearts of Love Group on Ravelry if you are interested in helping knit or crochet items or starting your own group of SFTH knitters and crocheters in your area.  Please help spread the word!
I hope you will look for ways to celebrate the wonderful community of charity knitting and crochet. Open your heart and mind to receiving the gift of creative giving.  For those of you who already have, you know what I'm talkin' 'bout.
Have a wonder filled week.
Margaret (enjoying the chance to begin again today)
For Your Spirit from Me ...
Take a few moments to find the beauty that surrounds you wherever you go today.
©Margaret Nock. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Your talents are needed ...

Here's my Purple Stitch Ninja ready to put a hurtin' on epilepsy. Where's yours?

Knit, Crochet or Sew for the Purple Stitch Project to raise epilepsy awareness.

This little warrior is knit with Vickie Howell's (for Caron) Sheep(ish) in Magenta(ish) and White(ish).
There's also a crochet version and plushies to sew so everyone can jump into action.

Find out more about this wonderful organization, patterns, online communities and ways you can contribute at

  One stitch can make such a difference in the world...your talents are needed.


Charity begins at home, but should not end there.
Thomas Fuller

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Friday, October 28, 2011


Today's the day!  Knots of Love (KOL) chemo caps are ready to hit the trail. 

Looking for some wonderful charities to knit, craft or crochet for?  Check out the Charity Org page on my website, for some ideas and inspiration.  While you're there, dive into some free patterns...the Autumn Wowza Scarf and the and Shades of the Celtic Forest Wrist Warmers are perfect for this time of year and would look autumnliscious on you. Just sayin...I can visualise you sipping a Pumpkin Spice hot beverage in your knit1fortheroad finery.  Visit the Free Patterns page.

Stop by and for more charity groups and get involoved.  You'll make lots of new friends, explore new patterns, and help put your stitches in the hands of someone in need.  All good, or what? Woot!

The weekend knitfest is almost here...
Margaret (inviting you to Creating The Hive...go here.)

Visit me on Etsy!  MargKnittinARound, Margaret Nock
Follow merrily along on Twitter @ knit1fortheroad
Find me on Facebook, Margaret Nock

Find my books on AmazonBooks, AuthorHouse/Bookstore (sale price), Kindle Store ($5.99 download) and signed copies on MargKnittinARound on Etsy.  These are reliable sources for my books. 

If you would like to see Knit Knitavian Style as a Kindle download, please feel free to click on the button on the left hand side of the Amazon page to let the publisher know.  Every click helps!

 Due to the massive changes in publishing and the aggressive nature of the internet, I have not authorized and am not affiliated with anyone who charges ridiculously high prices for any of my books.

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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sharing colors and stitches with loving care...

Chemo Caps made with Caron Simply Soft and LionBrand Cotton Ease

This week has been the perfect time to get caught up on various charity knitting and crochet. These are some chemo caps heading different places, but they all have a special mission.  That's right, your projects have their own mission, people.  They enjoy spreading love, color, texture, and seeing the recepients smile.  There is no mission impossible for these guys.

Here's a fun and helpful article on color psychology entitled Do different colors affect your mood? by David Johnson.

Feel free to jump into a charity project with smokin' needles and hooks and let your legacy be love.

I'm on fire!

Looking for a charity?  Visit knit1forhteroad/Charity orgs section for a few ideas.

Other great sources:, and

©MargaretNock, 2011. All rights reserved.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Knots of Love Giveaway Day!

Note to my readers:  This giveaway is now closed.  Thank you all for participating.  Stay tuned for another giveaway soon on this blog.
It's here!  Today is the official Giveaway day. Hooray!

Many of you already know that Christine Shively, the dynamic founder of KOL, is one of the people interviewed in my latest book, Knit Knitavian Style: Allow your knitting adventures to begin.
Christine has graciously sent a kit as a special giveaway on this blog.


The goodie bag contains what you need to create one of the Knots of Love chemo caps.

1 skeing of Lion Brand Cotton Ease in Almond
1 package of double pointed Lion Brand needles, 8" Size 7 (4.50mm)
1 circular needle, from Boye (Balenell) US size 8 (5.0mm) with speed tips
Free knit pattern  Madeline's Cap (there is also a crochet version included)
2 stitch markers
1 tapestry needle
1 portable tape measure

1 Gift Card for Best Chariteas from

1 handy and portable laminated Acceptable Knots of Love Craft Store Yarns and Specialty Yarn Stores card.

Additonal brochure with info on Knots of Love to share with your local knit/crochet group.

Okay here's the question of the day for you - IF YOU ARE THE FIRST TO ANSWER CORRECTLY, YOU WIN THIS ADORABLE KNOTS OF LOVE KIT.  Please send your answer to Okay, put on your girlie thinking caps and give it a whirl. Good luck!

What is the name of the fabulously successful TV show (now in syndication) about a single mom and daughter living in a small town in CT.  Hint: It was well know for its clever banter and starred Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel.

Knots of

Christine and her organization, KOL provides chemo caps to people in need. Her yarn standards and guidelines for making chemo caps is rapidly becoming the standard for many hospitals and treatment centers throughout the U.S. KOL's prescence is also growing in Europe, as well.  I have been a member of  KOL and can tell your from experience that it's a very organized and professional charity and you are notified of your beautiful caps destination. Please visit the site and learn more about this exciting and growing organization. 

More giveaways soon!
Marg (working on the Autumn Challenge for CreatingTheHive)

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Monday, July 27, 2009

If you knit or crochet, they will come!

A bit of charity crochet today. Here are a couple of quick projects I made for Knitters for Obama on These are made with Lion Brand Thick and Quick . Very soft and warm yarn for fall and winter.

A blanket for Tails of Hope Foundation, Blanketed with Love Campaign. This is my stash project made with Lion Boucle Yarn.

Knitting Therapy Update!

The knitting therapy project is still on and I actually remembered to bring my camera with me this time. I started the scarf by knitting for 2" and now look! Many patients have commented on how relaxing it is. Hooray!

If you knit or crochet it - they will come...hope you're knitting and crocheting in your part of the yarnie world this week.

Marg (creating with gratitude today)

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Monday, June 29, 2009

MEET Etsian LolaLynn!

DOTTY, the LUVBUG - Hand Embellished ACEO

EMERALD KITTY - Hand Embellished 5x7 Print

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Kopper Kitty - Hand embellished 5x7 print

Today, we have a very special Etsian Interview! Lynn Hanousek's passion for art, animals, recycling, and charity are all combined to bring smiles to everyone who visit her shop LolaLynn on Etsy. There, you will find hand embellished prints. painting, and handmade jewelry made with colorful seaglass! There's another special element to her shop that really caught my eye...a 10% donation of designated items will go to one of the following: EFA's (Etsy for Animals)charity of the month, EFC's (Etsy for Charity)charity of the month or AWBAR (Abandoned Wildlife Babies Animal Rescue). Buckle up! Hold on tight to your needlework and pets as we head to LolaLynn Land!
Q. Welcome Lynn! Please tell us about your love for animals and how you’ve incorporated that passion in your shop.
A. Thank you Margaret for your great questions and an opportunity to share. Animals have always been a part of my life. Dogs when a child; cats as an adult. Once it was known that Bill and I were cat lovers, cats and kittens began to appear on our front porch. While living in Brooklyn, we estimate that we found homes for 36 cats and kittens. Of course, several joined our human family of 5 and when we moved to Manhattan, 7 cats came along. In recent years we've become the guardians of 5 adult cats whose humans have gone before them over the rainbow bridge. Our cat family has always been an inspiration to me and many of the artwork in my shop features our cats and those of our extended family. I write about how they inspire my works very often in my blog.
Q. I see that you donate a percentage of your profits to help animals and offer the ACEO Baker's Dozen Club to customers. How did you come up with these ideas?
A. In my early Etsy days, I found a post in the forums from a fellow artist asking for animal lovers to join her street team, Etsy for Animals (EFA). Michele (aka mvegan5) proposed we sponsor a different animal charity every month with a percentage of the sales from our shops. It was totally up to each of us how much we would donate. I joined and became an active particpant by donating 10%, sometimes more, of my sales to the charity of the month and by coordinating EFA's monthly challenges. In 2008 Etsy for Animals raised over $19,000 for a wide variety of animal causes and charities. I'm so glad I found Michele's post. I stated making ACEOs (Art Cards, Editions and Originals) with some of my EFA friends . These minature works of art (always 2.5" by 3.5") sold quite well when I started to post them. A number of people bought more than one and I wanted to do something special for collectors, so I started the "ACEO Baker's Dozen Club." With the purchase of the 12th ACEO, the 13th will be free plus members will receive 20% off the purchase of other items in my shop. I named it the Baker's Dozen as a tribute to my grandparents, Arthur and Amelia Baker, who encouraged my creativity when I was a child.
Q. What an inspiring story, Lynn. One of my favorite things about your shop is that it offers affordable, artistic, colorful items and your feedback is incredible! How do you balance being a creative artist and innovative business owner?
A. I believe that God has endowed each one of us with gifts and talents. When we don't use them its wasteful and to our own detriment. For years I always felt that something was missing from my life. I had everything I needed and was generally a very happy person, but something kept nagging at me. In an epiphany I realized it had been a long time since I had enabled the spirit of creativity to flow through me. I redirected my life to include times devoted to the creative arts and I felt energized. It's not a balancing act for me - I must create to be true to myself and the gifts I've been given. It doesn't seem logical but becoming a "business owner" was just the next step. When I started making wire wrapped rings, my daughter would wear them to work and sell them off her fingers. After I had several bags filled with rings, my kids told me I should open an Etsy shop. Its actually a great arrangement. Others like my work and are willing to pay for it and I get to donate to animal charities and buy more supplies.
Q. Lynn, I have to say, since you are the proud human of fabulous cats, your hand embellished cat prints are noticeably wonderful and whimsical…and we all want to know what’s next for LolaLynn’s shop?
A. Over the years, many fabulous cats have been a part of our lives. We recently lost, Dotty, our beautiful white, fluffy kitty with expressive blue eyes. She inspired one of my first ACEOs. It turned out to be so much fun that I started featuring our other cats. My best selling cat image, however, is "Emerald Kitty" which is an abstract line drawing. Sophia, our "orange girl", inspired "Emerald Kitty's" companion piece "Kopper Kitty." Sophia is always in my face when I sit down to create, so I declared her my "assistant" and she has appeared as my Etsy avatar from time to time. Its been such a busy year for me that I haven't painted any new ACEOs for a while. I dearly hope to add to the collection over the summer. I also have plans to expand and upgrade my "Urban Sea Glass" line to include items made with sterling silver. I'm keeping my fingers crossed because we're expecting a new grandchild within the next few weeks and as my regular blog followers know, I'm as much into our grandkiddiess as we are into our grand kitties!
Thanks again Lynn for sharing your inspiring story and creative process with us. We look forward to seeing more artwork, jewelry and inspiration from you and your shop, LolaLynn.
Please visit these sites for more information.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


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Some updates for you today. Our friend, Christine Shively of will be on TBN station KTBN on Feb 27th. There's a post on Knots-of-Love homepage when and where to find the show"Joy in our town" in your area. For those of us on the East coast, I will post a link for the show when it becomes available. I will definitely be watching.
Note: the lavender cap in the photo came from my house - teehee- my cap's gone Hollywood on me! but will resume a normal life and be given to a patient in need soon. Remember, your knit and crochet charity items take on a life and journey of their own and bring much joy to those in need.

I heard recently from Linda Blick from the current knit/crochet along charity project, Blanketed with Love. Linda and her organization have been hit pretty hard by the economic times and receive more requests every day. They are very much in need of knit or crocheted blankets for the dogs who are victims of cancer. Consider making a blanket for them with soft, machine washable yarn or perhaps supporting them by making a donation for this worth cause. They are in need of stamps and have a link where you can put your fav canine on the stamp and send them to the organization for thank you notes, etc. Linda will be interviewed in the upcoming weeks for this blog and will give you some insight into what her organization has accomplished. I think you will be amazed and touched by their efforts.

Well, that's all for now, but I have some pretty cool new things in mind for the next post so stay tuned, keep knitting/crocheting and finding the knitty in your world.


Marg (going to post Molly on a stamp to donate, Max would just be a blur)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


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Donating knitted and crocheted items has always been a delight to do and I fit it into my weekly routine as much as possible. Finding an organization is a great way to connect with other people in your community and throughout the world. My tip for finding a great organization that makes your heart sing is to look for reliable sources from other knitters, groups, yarn stores,, or local community groups in need.

Here are a few that I have sent items to that make sure your knitted or crocheted projects get to people in need.

Knots-of-Love (chemo caps)
Mother Bear Project (bears for children)
Afghans for Afghans(blankets, hats, gloves)
Knit One (Pittsburgh PA - chemo caps)
Warm Up America (blankets)

I found these groups through various sources and found them to be wonderful organizations. So if you're looking to cast your knitting far and wide check them out. Your crafty talent will be appreciated. What are you waiting for? Knit-Share-Go!


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