The new Anthropologie catalog is out and I found a goodie called Pickstitched change purses. These are nice not only for carrying around change, but a small ipod, knitting goodies and their stylish at the same time. There are also lots of other great choices for you. You can also visit Etsy for more choices of handmade change purses and goodies. Type in change purse or clutch and check out the different shops. Easy or what? and you're supporting the small handmade folks like me! There are also patterns if you're crafty so that you can create your own. (heehee a total plug for margknittinaround which is my shop)
Marg sporting a modified scarf I just finished with Vegas from SWTC. Visit my Flckr account or Ravelry project page if you are on Ravelry (margknittinaround) for closeup pics that show the fringe and more info about the pattern from VickieHowell Collection.
Next time, I am going to share the info and goodies from StitchesEast. I know, I promised to do so earlier in the week but life got in the way a little and I want to do the event justice so I'm working on it over the weekend so you get full effect!
Update on Max, my yorkie - he encountered the neighbors' puppy, now almost full grown and a pitbull dog, yesterday. Bella, the pit bull, always playful before, but leashed, came flying out of her yard, across the street and on our heels in about two secs. I'm sure my dogs probably look like rabbits to her. All I heard was the neighbor yelling her name and a growl behind us. Thankfully I had the sense to use halters for the yorkies, and I snatched them up pretty darn quick just in case and kept movin', before Max started his alpha dog BACK AT A YA bs. The neighbor caught up with his dog pdq and had to carry her away. Now - this could have ended badly for Max since he's only 5 lbs. Please remember to keep your dog on a leash or harnessed (if small guys) and be mindful of dogs coming up from behind...Molly was once grabbed by a hunting dog from behind while we were walking and got picked up and shaken. You can't really fault the dogs for doing what comes naturally, but as the dog owner, you need to be aware of the risks of incompatability amoung dogs. Embrace nature, nurture, and never take chances with babies, pets, and remember in life - and the dog park, not everyone wants to be your new bff.
Put your stix together or grab a hook for a little knitting or crochet this weekend to soothe your nerves and thanks for coming by :)