Showing posts with label Knit1fortheroadInterview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Knit1fortheroadInterview. Show all posts

Friday, September 17, 2010

CreatingTheHive Interview with Randi of TheCrochetStash!

Today, please welcome Miranda, or Randi as she is known on, the new exciting arts and crafts community.  I was so impressed with Randi because she is using crochet as a way to work through challenges and grief in her everyday life.  Please click your needles together and wave your hooks for Randi.

Q. Randi, what was your first crochet project and how old were you when you began to crochet?

A. I honestly can’t remember. I think I was just making rows. I was 7 years old and bugging my mother that I was bored and was suspended from school yet again.

Q. I was inspired by your creative focus on helping children when I visited your Etsy shop, TheCrochetStash(Dixie's Little Crochet Stash). What types of projects do you enjoy making for them?

A. I like to make baby hats, baby blankets, baby booties, and squares to turn into blankets. I make pretty much what my limited skill set can make. I also have started making Lapghans for The Gracehaven House for girls who have had the misfortune to be pulled into human trafficking.

Q. Randi, how did your Grandma Judy influence your creative life?

A. She was my everything. She loved life even when she was hurting. She funded my craft habits to keep me out of trouble. Her belief in me that I was “that” good as others when I only saw mistakes, just made me want to make more beautiful things for her. Now that she is gone, I am making her legacy in my charity work. I am christen and believe in God, even though I don’t practice, but she sent Lisa the leader of COBP (Central Ohio Binky Patrol) to me so I could begin to heal.

Q. How is crafting helping you cope with the challenges that you face in your daily life?

A. I have focus and I am able to keep busy so I am not thinking 24/7 about my grievous loss. I escape into my creative world where it is only me, my music, and the objects in my hands. This allows me to tune everything out and relax as much as my 24/7 stressed body will allow.

Q. Randi, is there anything else you would like to share with us regarding your charities and crafting?

A. The charities are my grief therapist right now and will most likely be for a long time to come. G’ma would not want me crying over her. So I am doing what she wants and I am helping these innocent precious kids as well. I have a lot to give right now as I am in so much pain, so my crafting is my life save r and these kid’s are the reason I was put on this Earth.

Thank you, Randi, for this interview and for sharing your life, crochet projects and charity work with us today. We have all been inspired by your willingness to heal, try new things and live your life with purpose.

Visit Randi on the following links:


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