Showing posts with label creative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creative. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Dream it - Do it Department

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This week has been all about getting caught up and organized - I know! - you probably thought I had it all together, blah-blah -blah but it's been a zoo around here folks since we've all had the flu, freakishly cold weather and a bad case of cabin fever.

Monday started off with a bang and a huge burst of energy, but it's now Wed and I'm starting to lose my warp speed ahead attitude. (a StarTrek reference for sure-but don't hold it against me) My mind tends to wander over to the yarn stash and half-finished projects fallen by the wayside. Does this happen to anyone else or is it just me?

One of the things on the top of my "to do" list has been to reorganize my website I'm updating and rearranging at all hours and will be adding some new features for you. You will notice the spiffy trademark that has been added, fresh from the trademark office (another oz like journey in itself). I've also added an RSS link and a link to knit1fortheroad on blogger, as well as paypal for purchasing Knit 1 for the Road directly from the site. More features coming, but the same basic info on links, help, books, etc are still there and I will be adding more, pinky swear.

I have another book in progress that will hopefully be ready for publication this summer and interviews are in the works behind the scenes for this blog, also.

I found an article this morning called Living with Less: Getting Creative During the Recession that I think you will find interesting. Crafting is still going strong!

Marg (looking forward to happier days, finished projects, and a can do crafty attitude)

Note: You know you're blogging too much when you wake up and your first thought is OH NO-A TYPO!


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