Our pets and children teach us how to love, new ways to experience life, and a lot about ourselves. Max had a kapow!!! attitude as soon as he woke up in the morning and was ready for anything. He was a constant companion, loved adventure and taking toys away from his big sis. Max also struggled to please us, even if it meant curbing his desire to be the alpha dog at all times. He will be missed.
Thanks for reading today. If you've had a similar experience happen in your life - you know.
Margaret (Max's biggest fan)

Margaret - I am so sorry to hear of little Max's passing. Loosing a dear pet is very hard to deal with. I know, I've been there. I think it is wise to take the week off. Be well. Laurie
I am so sorry to hear about Max. I can only imagine how difficult this has been. Your pets truly are a part of the family. Max was a lucky little guy to have found a great home and pet owners who loved and doted on him (and of course a fabulous big sis Molly to harass!) Max's short life was truly blessed and I know that he was a blessing to you. I am so glad that Molly is doing better. Love and hugs, Whitney
So sorry about your puppy... my old (17 yrs.) puppy died this past spring and I still miss her. I donate to our local rescue shelter in her name.
It will get better.
Thanks so much for stopping by Laurie, Whitney and Bibliocat. It is so healing to receive such kind and positive words. Molly is better and we are coping with the loss. I agree that donating, volunteering and helping other animals is an awesome way to heal. I really appreciate your comments.
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