Gather 'round all knitters/crocheters, especially the newbies, I have a way to keep your small projects for knitting/crocheting & stuff together, and handy, for when you dash out the door.
If you're on a budget, like most of us (mostly because you may have overspent on the yarn stash - teehee) there are awesome bags & totes that you can find at the thriftstore or dollar stores in your area.
For the fashionistas out there - there are many totes that are fashion forward & designed especially to carry your projects in - you can find them in the craft stores & in your fav knitting/crocheting magazines as well as online. (See GoKnit Pouches above) I love both types and use them daily.
My favorite one for summer is a striped straw tote that came from the fabulous 99 cent store in Ventura, CA. Keep your tote/bag filled with everything you need for your on the go project (and near the door) so that every time you head out, you will see it...my book , Knit 1 for the Road will have just the portable knitting projects you're looking for!!! ;)
Spring brings new ideas, organized stashes, and a long to do list for most of us...so dig, in and don’t forget to knit and/or crochet!
The more you "enjoy," the richer you become.
Anything, and in every way.
Eureka! The Universe
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