I was happy to see many of my favorite vendors there and they were super busy. I was unable to visit too long with them during this event. The turnout of crowds was early and large on Saturday and most vendors had very good pricing. This provided goodies for every budget. Good news for many of us hit hard by the up and down economy. While walking around, I caught shoppers' comments regarding purchases and cost was a huge factor in their decisions.
These events always include demos, classes, contests, music, sheep shearing, competitions and are an adventure for the entire family.
When you attend any event, it's important to have a strategy of some kind to keep you focused in your search for the items on your list to see or buy. It's also a great idea to go with other people who have been before and have an idea of what to see first, etc. I was lucky to go along on a bus full of knitters and crocheters the first time to MSW and I got some valuable tips. We all hit the main building first at the end of the main row, and then worked our way back down to the gate and around. This allowed us to look and shop before it got too crowded in the main building. It's always a good idea to go around the rows a couple of times in the main building and compare prices. I have noticed really great pricing in some of the vendors on the right hand side of the gate every year as well. This can vary from year to year so get to know your favorite vendors and where they are - download the info online or get it at the information booth when you go in. Simple tips that save you time and energy on a warm day.
Vendors were selling and people were buying wisely in this fiber world called the MSW Festival. I encourage you to keep attending events and discovering new vendors and friends. There's something for everyone and you'll see so many new and exciting products, ideas, and people. Just another wonderful way to expand your knitting world.
Thanks to all the wonderful vendors brave enough to come out to the festival and to all who attended and supported this event.
Have an event filled year!
Marg (looking toward the next event with glee!)
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