You will want to check out the pattern section and the store on I'm liking the Knit Princess Signature T-Shirt and of course you can purchase the first 2 volumes of The Knit Princess. There's even an official Knit Princess Tiara Hat pattern in the first volume. Hooray! You can also join The Knit Princess on Facebook and keep up with the latest scoop, meet other fans, and show off your Knit Princess knitting projects. It's cool to be a princess.
I just love to start off the day with such a fun, creative and well illustrated idea. Way to go ladies!
Marg (considering how I would look in a tiara - hmm)
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Thanks for the mention! I'm glad you're liking the comic.
Hi Melody - So glad you stopped by. Yes, we all love The Knit Princess. Keep them coming :) Margaret
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