A rainy weekend is the perfect time to work on projects that you've really wantd to do, but haven't had the time. It's almost as good as a day at the spa and all the chocolate you can eat, isn't it? Maybe better!
Here are a few projects that I worked on and thought you might like a peek. Drum roll, please!
I've had this pattern in mind ever since I first saw it in YarnFoward Issue#7 2008. A friend of mine is having a baby girl and I thought this Caterpillar Baby Sack would be perfect. I checked the YarnForward online shop and Issue #7 has sold out but you can still purchase the digital issue on Yudu.com. You can also find a project page on Ravelry.com under Vickie Howell in pattern search.
Chemo caps for Ravelry group Hearts of Love.
'Tis the season for community, charity projects and sharing. Here are a few chemo caps for one of Hearts of Love projects on Ravelry.com.
Well, the sun is out and another week is beginning.
Happy knitter, happy life!
Marg (ready for the next project!)
Visit my flckr project page, margknittinaround, for additonal pics for this project or if you're on Ravelry, stop by my margknittinaround project page.
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DelicateDesire Fingerless Gloves
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