Today, I'm going to share with you some info I found on the psychology of color and some of the uses, experiments, and emotions connected to the colors we love and use every day. Don't you ever wonder what draws you to a certain colorway or wonder why people choose the colors they wear and surround themselves with? You may be responding to colors in your environment and not even be aware...or picking an outfit solely on your emotional need to absorb a certain color. Ever wonder about your yarn choices when you are mysteriously drawn across a crowded knitting store to one particular skein? - or maybe that's just me.
Check out this article from About.com and be sure to click on the different tabs on basics, theories and experiments - very insightful!
Color Psychology
How Colors Impact Moods, Feelings, and Behaviors
By Kendra Van Wagner, About.com
If you love gemstones and using color for healing than you will want to visit this site Crystal-Cure.com
I hope this colorful info gives you a fresh perspective on your color choices for life, yarn, and happiness.
Marg (Color me indigo!)
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