I'm starting off with Envirosax which offers manly man sacks that he will love and a chance for you to win an Amazonia pouch for yourself! Don't think Dad will go for it? Let's talk...when I bought an EnviroSax tote last summer and kept it in the car for the market - who used it? - my husband, the dad at our house. When we went to the park for summer concerts, or to the beach - who carried the snacks in said tote? You got it. Who knew my tote would be his favorite GO TO item and the cause of Eco-Dad Sightings all over the state?
Etsy has a Father's Day Showcase available with many items for dad that will thrill and delight even the most conservative papa. Plus, you will be supporting the handmade movement - always a great way to shop.
Want to get crafty? Check out the LionBrand Patterns for Father's Day this year and whip up something clever and fun.
Cafe Press offers you the chance to design the SIGG bottle for your dad with a message or design. This bottle is green so no worries there and you may also chose a design already available. Dad can be stylin' and eco-friendly with this gift.
Need kid sized projects and ideas for your Father's Day celebration? No problem, DLTK's growing together has ideas, recipes, and plenty of fun for you and the family.
Planning Father's Day just got a whole lot easier!

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