knit1fortheroad.com™ ©Margaret Nock, 2016. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction, sale in whole or in part, or distribution of content is prohibited.
Enjoy Interviews with inspiring people... Althea Crome of Bugknits.com and knitwear artists for Coraline, Marilyn King of Blackwater Abbey Yarns,
Teresita Valadez, founder of Ravelry Group, Hearts of Love ,
Kathleen & Nick Greco of Jelly Yarns, Part One, Jelly Yarns, Part Two ,
Creator of Knit Outta the Box, Laurie Gonyea
INTERVIEW with Marlene Gill of Ateliermarla.
INTERVIEW with SueFragiacomo of FragiacomoGlassArt.
INTERVIEW with Sue O'Connor of RabbitHollowPrims
INTERVIEW with Anca of FarAwayDesigns
INTERVIEW with DianaBeard of CoutureDesigns.
INTERVIEW with Alecia Miller of Madbird.
INTERVIEW with Stacy of theagansdragon.
Interview with Shelle of Crochet Cabin (Shelleden on Etsy.com)
Interview with Stephani Camp of Tomorrow Farm.
Interview with Three Bags Full, Because One Bag is Never Enough!
Interview with Finding Charm (Budget Friendly Handmade Jewelry)
I am very interested in this project and would like to know if I could try it in my area as well? I am a horticultural therapist who knits and am in search of a formal 'knitting therapy' program.
please contact me via my website:
or blog: www.yarnivore.blogspot.com
Thank you for thinking of this, it is brilliant!
Hi SandraD - Thanks for your comment. Here's a link for everyone to give you ideas on where and how to conduct your own knitting therapy projects in your community. Stay tuned for updates - everything is being documented for the next book due out late summer. Here's the link - http://www.knitmagic.com/4.html
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