HOORAY!!! I just received my update email from Christine Shivley from Knots-of-Love. They have received 3,500 Chemo Caps so far this year. AMAZING! Also, The Laurel Hill Corporation has chosen Knots-of-Love as their charity of choice and for every hook or knitting needle set that is purchased from Laurel Hill they will donate $1.00 to knots-of-love so be sure and put add them to your FAVS and purchase your next needles from them! :) and keep those caps comin'!
When you place your order, type Knots-of-Love in the 'Company' box upon check out so they will give Knots-of-Love credit.
UPDATE for Knitters and Crocheters...
I am currently working on a FAQ page for you on the official book site Knit1fortheRoad.com. It's a work in progress, but I have added some general info on what to look for in your pattern and some handy info links and a video link to get you rollin'. More info coming :) Thanks Eve P. for suggesting the FAQ page, yay Eve! You can also email me at knit1fortheroad@gmail.com if you have questions regarding the patterns in Knit 1 for the Road or would like to request a signed copy of the book for $17.99 and free shipping.
Check out the Etsy shop margknittinaround for more fun, portable patterns from Knit 1 for the Road and a chance to purchase a signed copy of the book!
Breeze by Cafe Press, the place for Knit 1 for the Road cool apparel, totes, and more!
That's all for now ya'll! Stay tuned for a new blog on an incredible Etsy shop hmmm, who could it be? Well, it sells one of a kind, vintage, eco-friendly goodies and that's all I'm sayin' for now! Find out Who's In Da House?! - check out this blog for the 411!
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