Craft Hope: Handmade Crafts for a Cause
I'm so excited to blog about Craft Hope: Handmade Crafts for a Cause by Jade Sims. Finally, crafty charity project ideas at your fingertips. A $1 from the sale of the book will be donated to Global Impact, It's a win win - we get crafty projects to make and others receive the crafty goodness. There's a crafty project for every crafter and beautiful pictures, illustrations, easy to read instructions and templates. You'll appreciate the array of designers that contributed projects to help us share with local communities and globally. These projects will easily motivate people, as you can see by the response to Project 8, Gulf Coast Oil Spil , and their current project.
Encourage kid participation - yay kid power! Children can be overwhelmed by what's happening around the world and this is a great way for them to heal and work toward making the world a better place to live.
Please go to the website and learn about Craft Hope's current projects and let the crafty handmade items inspire you. Visit them on flckr and facebook and add their banner to your website.
Enjoy this "feel crafty good" opportunity and a chance to heal.
Marg (loving the seed ball project on pg 107)
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