I'm so excited! My package of Winter Gratitude arrived today. Hopefully you checked out Monday's episode of Cool2Craft Live TV and saw the demo by Candace Liccione. If not - no worries, here's a link for you to watch...
Candace Liccione – Winter Gratitude Tea – Inspired at Home LIVE TV The theme of the entire show was Gratitude and I found every project uplifting and inspiring. It was such a nice break from the winter blast duldrums. You can visit the archives to view Cool2Craft Live TV episodes at your convenience.
Back to tea talk...
You can check out the delish ingriedents and purchase the tea on the Cool2Craft Marketplace. Great price and wonderful tea...perfect for a cozy afternoon of winter knitting, crocheting and other crafty endeavors.
Near Graysonville, MD? Visit Candace's shop in person. Wye River Designs has a creative and relaxed atmosphere. Enjoy crafty goodness, classes, teas, and items for wellness. You can even get a sense of the relaxed environment on the website, so make sure you check it out.
It's a new year. I hope you'll join me in taking the opportunity to focus on wellness and expanding your creative horizons.
Margaret (that's me over on the distant horizon cheering you on.)
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Every time a crafter creates, a fairy earns her wings...
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Wow! That was a fast arrival. Hope you are enjoying your tea! I'm drinking mine by the pot-full.
Hi Tiffany - thanks for reading and for sending the tea so quickly. I'm drinking some right now :) Margaret
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