The talented Laurie Gonyea of Knit Outta the Box at her knitting demo during Crafty Bastards Arts and Crafts Fair. I'm holding her latest scarf kit.

Red head for my office from the scratch and dent bin that I couldn't leave behind.
This weekend was filled to the brim with crafts, crafty people. and crafting adventures for those attending Crafty Bastards Arts and Crafts Fair in D.C. and the Aritsan's Festival in Centreville. While I am still sorting things out and recovering from sensory overload - here are a few pics. I will be featuring artists, Etsians and more for you this week!

Goodie Bag! Free stickers, buttons, and flyers abound.

Wonderful dogs where brought to this dog friendly event for adoption. I couldn't bring one home - my husband was adament, so I was happy to make a donation for the cause and munch on a cookie or two. Lucky Dog does a great job so please stop by their site and support their efforts.

Centreville Artisan's Festival

Drying Pumpkins from the kid's creative corner
Well, that's it for now...more about some of the vendors that caught my eye that I know you're going to love. Stay tuned for the roundup of crafties~
Support your local handmade crafters and let the good times roll.

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