I did try to talk the nurses into letting me take my knitting in with me the day of surgery which would been a great help to my nerves before the sedation process began. I'm not used to waiting or medical procedures so I guess that makes me a cranky, yet wonderfully knitty patient. They apparently weren't familiar with my wildly successful Knitting Therapy Experiment at my chiropractors office. Send white light to the people who make the rules about pre and post op surgery...knitting is good, knitting is relaxing, more knitting, less drugs....anyway, I will be blogging this week but will be going in for another check on Thursday so I don't know what to expect. Too much info, I'm sure, but I wanted to let you all know I've missed you and thank you for the emails, tweets, and shout outs. I know they will lead me to a quick recovery.
While I was checking my tweets, I rec'd one from LaurieGonyea of KnitOuttatheBox. She has two lines now so do go check them out...and if you missed her interview on this blog, Knit Outta The Box Interview Day.
That's it for now - more interviews and knit/crochet news and goodies coming your way soon. Thanks for your patience...
Marg (counting kind tweets and emails jumping over hurdles in my head before falling asleep)

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