Need a knitting escape? Think of it - a whole block of time devoted to cruisin' and knitting. Meeting new knitties, learning new techniques and enjoying a new environment away from your day to day digs. How wonderful is that? I daydream of such things from time to time when life gets hectic and knitting time is on the slim side. I prefer my clothes to be on the slim side and my knit/crochet/craft time to be on the FAT side!
Cost is always a consideration, but if we plan ahead and save our money in that first irregular sock we knitted or crocheted, perhaps it is obtainable afterall. Remember when we were kids saving for the ultimate toy or bike? We eventually got there. Some things are definitely worth waiting for.
To put you in cruise mode - here's a site to help your dreams become knitting reality.
Craft Cruises A list of available craft cruises AND general information.
Land options are also available. Maybe your local yarn shop is interested and you can get a group rate.
Check with a local travel agent and find out more about this crafty way to cruise! Grab your needles, yarn and Knit-Share-Go! (and you thought I was going to say BonVoyage or Ahoy!)
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